Monday, June 14, 2010

Townhall - U.S. Money to Hamas?

Townhall - U.S. Money to Hamas?

"Devout" Muslims appointed to Department of Homeland Security.

A Muslim President.

Super-Mosque going up at 9/11 site.

Borders intentionally left unguarded allowing millions of OTM illegals including Somali radicals easy access to the American heartland?

Israel proclaimed guilty trying to defend their country when videos clearly show weapons on board the 'relief' ship?

President shunning the Israeli Prime minister while bowing to Muslim royalty?

Terrorist group Hamas with connections inside the White House (John Brennan)?

An Attorney General forbidden to say the words terrorist, extremists or Islamfacists even when questioned before a Congressional committee?

Islam being taught in public schools?

Islamic prayer allowed in those schools in the name of tolerance while Christianity is strictly forbidden?

Muslim demographics on an exponential upswing here and in Europe demanding Sharia Law?

A terrorist (Hamas) controlled population fond of firing rockets 24/7 into Israel while the U.S. looks the other way?

Teeth pulled out of the worthless sanctions against Iran?

Russia allowed to send state of the art anti-aircraft missile system to Iran while refusing the Israeli Air Force overfly rights through Iraq?

What's a half a billion dollars borrowed from our Chinese benefactors going to hurt?

a fellow patriot

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